onsdag 25 februari 2015

artikel / nätet reportage


  1.  Det kommer inte hjälpa alls eftersom folk kan använda sina nätverk hemma och de internet de har på sina mobiler. "Den som är med i leken får leken tåla".
  2. Argument från båda sidor. Samma uppdelning som stereotypiska tidningsartiklar har; rubrik, foton, brödtext, etc. 
  3. 1. Du får ABSOLUT INTE lägga ut någon personlig information om dig själv. 2. Inte prata med NÅGON främling över huvudtaget. 3. Inte köpa NÅGONTING alls på internet. 4. Inte skriva NÅGOT elakt till någon annan. 5. Inte visa dig själv.

  1. Föräldrarna måste ta mer ansvar. Inte låta internet få nå mindre barn.
  2. Reportaget är längre än tidningsartikeln men innehåller fortfarande ingress, brödtext och bilder, etc. Har en mer personlig stil än en nyhetsartikel och är baserad på aktuell händelse.  
  3. Tidningsartikeln tar upp nätmobbning ur olika personers perspektiv och ur synvinkeln från undersökningar. Den berättar och beskriver hur nätmobbningen har gått ner i åldrarna. Den tar upp nya forskningar. Dessa visar att det främst är unga flickor med negativ syn på sig själva som är mest drabbade. Reportaget berättar också att de har startat ett projekt för att minska detta markant. Ann Frisén är en psykologiprofessor vid Göteborgs universitetet. Det är hon som berättar om detta. Reportagets faktaruta berättar bland annat att hälften av Sveriges treåringar har börjat använda internet. År 1997 var det inte förrän åldersgruppen 15-åringar som hälften var internetanvändare. Mobbningen som sker på internet hänger ofta ihop med sådant som händer på skolgården.

Gruppmedlemmar: Agnes, Linn, Sonya, Amina och Jennipher

onsdag 11 februari 2015

Character tracer page: 2-71

I will talk about the military, the murderer.
He shows that he is a completey emotionless human being and that he doesn't care a bit for the people that live on the streets..
He is not showing any empathy towards them, he can not feel their pain and feel their pain for being in this tragic situation.
You can read that he clearly is a very smart person he know how to trick the homeless people to believe in him that he is a good person, that he will take care of them and that he can show compassion towards them when he is in fact taking them home to kill them, to commit a bloody murder at his house.
He hides the body under his floor where it always has a cool temperature so the body don't get rotten.
He has no way of showing any emotion towards the pople...

torsdag 5 februari 2015

Wordwork p.2-58

5 synonyms
1) see - look
2) killer - murderer
3) hates - dislikes
4) Mum - mother
5) Borrowed - loaned

5 Opposites
1) asleep - awake
2) wouldn't - would
3) last - first
4) female - male
5) cold - warm

5 sentences 
1) I felt someone nudge my shoulder as I spun around I saw the man behind me.
2) I was scared of what he might become
3) I hade loades of old letters from my father in my bedroom.
4) You would not get these opportunities any day.
5) I took out my key-chain and unlocked the door to my flat.

5 explanations 
1) gloves - something you wear to prevent your hands from getting cold
2) hesitated - when you wait a minute to kind of think before you answer.
3) spoiled - when you get everything you want and everything you ask for.
4) Locked - you do that to prevent anyone from steeling your stuff, like in your flat.
5) Daytime - it is in the day, the hours when is is light outside.

onsdag 4 februari 2015


Stone Cold - Robert Swindells
Pages: 3 - 32

The book is kind of confusing in the beginning but the more you read the more you will understand.
It is about a teenage boy who is living with his parents. His dad is what if I got it right dead and his mum is toghether with another man.
His mom's boyfriend is named Vincent and the boy pretty much thinks that Vincent is to blame for the reasons why his mom has changed so much.
One day Vincent looks the boy out and he is suddenly out on the streets, he is suddenly a hobo..

You get to read about him and how his life is on the street.
There is this guy, a kind of military that is out there, killing people who live on the street he thinks that they have no matter and they don't deserve to live on this planet, one after one he kills each and one "hobo" he is after Link(the boy) you get to read from the both perspectives, from the murder's mind and how he thinks when he kills the persons and then how Link feels to live out on the streets and how he meets new persons.

So far I have read about how he lives in bradford and then how he finds this bed and breakfast in London when he moves to London and the trouble he has with that and the payment, rent.
I get to see how he feels and how he desperatly is trying to find a place to work so he can make a  small ounce of money to live on, but nobody wants to hire him becuase well he is smelly.
     When he lived in bradford he could at least go home to his sister to shower but now he can't so it is harder for him to find a place to work in.